30th June 2015 - First Regret
It's finally the last day of the 30 day June blog!
I never really live with regrets- I truly believe everything happens for a reason. So I can honestly say I have no regrets what so ever.
Short blog today - I'm sure you'll see me again soon for a monthly challenge :)
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Monday, 29 June 2015
Day Twenty-Nine - First Time In Hospital
29th June 2015 - First Time In Hospital
I found this photo a few years ago and I remember my mum explaining that this was me, when I was in hospital for the first time. Every winter as a youngster I managed to be hospitalised with a condition called croup. It is a very chesty cough and you find it so hard to breathe when you have it and are sometimes put on a nebuliser. I'm still surprised that I was never diagnosed with asthma.
I found this photo a few years ago and I remember my mum explaining that this was me, when I was in hospital for the first time. Every winter as a youngster I managed to be hospitalised with a condition called croup. It is a very chesty cough and you find it so hard to breathe when you have it and are sometimes put on a nebuliser. I'm still surprised that I was never diagnosed with asthma.
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Day - Twenty-Eight - First Death
28th June 2015 - First Death
I'm guessing this means the first death I remember and that would be my granddad [my dad's dad]
It happened in August 1998 when I would have been 6 years old. I don't remember everything about it but I know that he had cancer. I remember going into his hospital room the day before, which would have been his birthday, and he was very yellow and not himself, obviously the side effect of his illness.
He had received a mars bar from one of the hospital staff as a present but was unable to eat it so me and my brother had half of it each. I don't remember a lot about him, but all I know is that my dad literally looks so like him, it freaks me out.
I'm guessing this means the first death I remember and that would be my granddad [my dad's dad]
It happened in August 1998 when I would have been 6 years old. I don't remember everything about it but I know that he had cancer. I remember going into his hospital room the day before, which would have been his birthday, and he was very yellow and not himself, obviously the side effect of his illness.
He had received a mars bar from one of the hospital staff as a present but was unable to eat it so me and my brother had half of it each. I don't remember a lot about him, but all I know is that my dad literally looks so like him, it freaks me out.
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Day Twenty-Seven - First Kiss
27th June 2015 - First Kiss
Probably when I was a second old by my mum ;)
Probably when I was a second old by my mum ;)
Friday, 26 June 2015
Day Twenty-Six - First Pet
26th June 2015 - First Pet
Technically the first pet I owned was a giant rabbit called Floppy. We only owned him for 2 weeks as my mum was too scared to put him outside in case he got eaten by a fox! He now lives at my nan's old workplace and is a daddy.
I don't have any photos of him so instead here are a few of my nan's old dog Max. He passed away in 2008 when he was 10. I loved him and he loved me :)
Technically the first pet I owned was a giant rabbit called Floppy. We only owned him for 2 weeks as my mum was too scared to put him outside in case he got eaten by a fox! He now lives at my nan's old workplace and is a daddy.
I don't have any photos of him so instead here are a few of my nan's old dog Max. He passed away in 2008 when he was 10. I loved him and he loved me :)
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Day Twenty-Five - First Thing You Do When You Get Home
24th June 2015 - First Thing You Do When You Get Home
I have very varied shift ending times.
Monday - I finish at 5.30pm
Tuesday - I finish at 6.30pm
Wednesday - I finish at 12pm
Thursday - I finish at 5.30pm
Friday - I finish at 2.30pm
But usually, when at 5.30 or 6.30 the first thing I do is eat dinner. My mum has usually prepared and cooked it as by the time I get in I am sooooo hungry!
I have very varied shift ending times.
Monday - I finish at 5.30pm
Tuesday - I finish at 6.30pm
Wednesday - I finish at 12pm
Thursday - I finish at 5.30pm
Friday - I finish at 2.30pm
But usually, when at 5.30 or 6.30 the first thing I do is eat dinner. My mum has usually prepared and cooked it as by the time I get in I am sooooo hungry!
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Day Twenty-Four - First Sport
24th June 2015 - First Sport
I've never actually joined a sports class throughout my 23 years like some people do. I've never been interested in dancing, cheerleading, gymnastics - normal things that a little girl loves to do. One thing I do remember doing every weekend at my nan and granddad's house though is taking my bike around the park with my brother and younger cousins.
I've never actually joined a sports class throughout my 23 years like some people do. I've never been interested in dancing, cheerleading, gymnastics - normal things that a little girl loves to do. One thing I do remember doing every weekend at my nan and granddad's house though is taking my bike around the park with my brother and younger cousins.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Day Twenty-Three - First Wish
23rd June 2015 - First Wish
I'm not entirely sure what my first wish was, but I do remember being about 3 years old and really wanting a sibling. I saw my cousins basically as sisters but I wanted one that I could keep and play with all the time. I finally got my wish a year and a half later when my baby brother came along :)
I'm not entirely sure what my first wish was, but I do remember being about 3 years old and really wanting a sibling. I saw my cousins basically as sisters but I wanted one that I could keep and play with all the time. I finally got my wish a year and a half later when my baby brother came along :)
Monday, 22 June 2015
Day Twenty-Two - First Room Mate
22nd June 2015 - First Room-Mate
I'm not quite sure what to put as the answer to this, as I still live at home with my family and have never been to uni or away from my family for a long period of time. The longest I've been away from home was when I get to Egypt for 2 weeks back in July 2012, so I suppose we can call Rachel a room-mate. She's the best room-mate, she's basically a dark haired version of myself. We're very similar and she doesn't snore so that's always a bonus. Here's a few snaps of us in Egypt :)
I'm not quite sure what to put as the answer to this, as I still live at home with my family and have never been to uni or away from my family for a long period of time. The longest I've been away from home was when I get to Egypt for 2 weeks back in July 2012, so I suppose we can call Rachel a room-mate. She's the best room-mate, she's basically a dark haired version of myself. We're very similar and she doesn't snore so that's always a bonus. Here's a few snaps of us in Egypt :)
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Day Twenty-One - First Detention
21st June 2015 - First Detention
I honestly think the first detention I ever got was in high school aged about 13. I was the perfect angel any other time, I think this was because I didn't do homework or something silly. I've never been a naughty child, always quite shy and never wanting to get told off. Even now I'm still like that, do everything I'm told at work and don't like getting told off.
Below are a few snaps of me at school :)
I honestly think the first detention I ever got was in high school aged about 13. I was the perfect angel any other time, I think this was because I didn't do homework or something silly. I've never been a naughty child, always quite shy and never wanting to get told off. Even now I'm still like that, do everything I'm told at work and don't like getting told off.
Below are a few snaps of me at school :)
Saturday, 20 June 2015
Day Twenty - First Film You Remember Seeing
20th June 2015 - First Film You Remember Seeing
Weirdly enough I was discussing films with my friend when we went out for a meal last week and they were all saying how they loved Disney films when they were younger, but I honestly don't remember the storyline of many Disney films. So, the first film I remember seeing wasn't one of those it was...
Weirdly enough I was discussing films with my friend when we went out for a meal last week and they were all saying how they loved Disney films when they were younger, but I honestly don't remember the storyline of many Disney films. So, the first film I remember seeing wasn't one of those it was...
Like any girl back in the 1990's I loved the Spice Girls. I knew the words to everyone of their songs and to be honest I probably still do. They were my favourite and I've lost track how many times I've watched their movie when I was younger.
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Friday, 19 June 2015
Day Nineteen - First Country You've Been To
19th June 2015 - First Country You've Been To
I've basically wrote about my first holiday abroad in this blog so it may be worth just reading this
I've basically wrote about my first holiday abroad in this blog so it may be worth just reading this
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Day Eighteen - First Piercing
18th June 2015 - First Piercing
You'd expect most people to say they don't remember having their first piercing as it was their ears when they were a baby. Well my first piercing was my ears but I was 13 years old! I remember when I was younger the thought of someone making a hole in my ear made me feel physically sick, I didn't care that I couldn't wear pretty earrings and I was smug that I didn't need to be told to take my earrings out in P.E.
I don't know what changed but I remember my mum asking what I wanted for my birthday as I turned into a teen but I was adamant I wanted my ears pierced and to buy some different coloured earrings. So that's what I got! Since then I've had a second hole pierced in my ear, but I don't see myself having any more piercings. Two is enough :)
You'd expect most people to say they don't remember having their first piercing as it was their ears when they were a baby. Well my first piercing was my ears but I was 13 years old! I remember when I was younger the thought of someone making a hole in my ear made me feel physically sick, I didn't care that I couldn't wear pretty earrings and I was smug that I didn't need to be told to take my earrings out in P.E.
I don't know what changed but I remember my mum asking what I wanted for my birthday as I turned into a teen but I was adamant I wanted my ears pierced and to buy some different coloured earrings. So that's what I got! Since then I've had a second hole pierced in my ear, but I don't see myself having any more piercings. Two is enough :)
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Day Seventeen - First Broken Bone
17th June 2015 - First Broken Bone
Thankfully I've only ever broken one bone in my life and thankfully I don't remember it. I was around 18 months old when I broke my collar bone by falling off a kitchen counter. I'm not entirely sure how it happened but I'm sure I screamed the house down! Even now sometimes I feel a bit of a pain in my shoulder and have to stop using that particular side of my body for a while until it subsides.
I actually don't know how I haven't broken my bones in my life, I'm the most clumsy person I know. I've sprained my ankle/wrist, had plenty of falls but never broken a bone since. How lucky!
Thankfully I've only ever broken one bone in my life and thankfully I don't remember it. I was around 18 months old when I broke my collar bone by falling off a kitchen counter. I'm not entirely sure how it happened but I'm sure I screamed the house down! Even now sometimes I feel a bit of a pain in my shoulder and have to stop using that particular side of my body for a while until it subsides.
I actually don't know how I haven't broken my bones in my life, I'm the most clumsy person I know. I've sprained my ankle/wrist, had plenty of falls but never broken a bone since. How lucky!
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This is me with my arm in a sling. My mum clearly had to do all the buttons up on my cardigan to stop me moving it LOL! |
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Day Sixteen - First Concert
16th June 2015 - First Concert
The first ever concert I went to was at Earls Court in December 1999 to see the spice girls! My dad's friend somehow got me backstage passes and I met the band with my nan haha!
Unfortunately we didn't own a camera back then so I have no photos with them but I vividly remember hugging Mel C and getting the courage to ask her for an autograph (she was my favourite as I was somewhat of a tomboy.)
We were pretty near the stage and I remember little 8year old me singing along to every song. I'll never forget that night and since then I've been to over 20 more concerts, I think I'll still be going to them when I'm 80!
The first ever concert I went to was at Earls Court in December 1999 to see the spice girls! My dad's friend somehow got me backstage passes and I met the band with my nan haha!
Unfortunately we didn't own a camera back then so I have no photos with them but I vividly remember hugging Mel C and getting the courage to ask her for an autograph (she was my favourite as I was somewhat of a tomboy.)
We were pretty near the stage and I remember little 8year old me singing along to every song. I'll never forget that night and since then I've been to over 20 more concerts, I think I'll still be going to them when I'm 80!
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Monday, 15 June 2015
Day Fifteen - First Thing I Did Today
15th June 2015 - First Thing I Did Today
Today was Monday morning and therefore the first thing I did when I got up was get dressed in my work uniform which is the worst material when it's muggy and my workplace loves to have the radiators turned on constantly. After that I did my hair, make up, eat my breakfast and then brush my teeth. Then off I went to work for 9 and a half hours :(
I literally can't wait to sleep tonight. It's 5.30pm when I'm writing this, I've had the day from hell and now I'm off to go for my weekly weigh in. I hope I've lost weight this week :(
Today was Monday morning and therefore the first thing I did when I got up was get dressed in my work uniform which is the worst material when it's muggy and my workplace loves to have the radiators turned on constantly. After that I did my hair, make up, eat my breakfast and then brush my teeth. Then off I went to work for 9 and a half hours :(
I literally can't wait to sleep tonight. It's 5.30pm when I'm writing this, I've had the day from hell and now I'm off to go for my weekly weigh in. I hope I've lost weight this week :(
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Day Fourteen - First Sleepover
14th June 2015 - First Sleepover
I don't overly remember my first sleepover because the likelihood is that it was with my cousin when I was about three or something. I never really had sleepovers with school friends as my house is so small that they wouldn't even be able to fit in my bed or get a mattress and sleep on my floor. I did spend some nights at Rachel's house though, who I've known since I was about 3. I remember one night when the Olympics were on we literally stayed up until about 4am watching the motor biking [we don't even like motor biking?!] and got some good old WKD bought by one of the boys she lived near. He was about 18 and his mum actually caught him buying it for us hahhaa! We actually did manage to get drunk on it somehow although my teeth killed as it's so sweet. The bottles were thrown in the bush in the garden and we blamed it on the chavs walking along her road after a night out LOL!
I don't overly remember my first sleepover because the likelihood is that it was with my cousin when I was about three or something. I never really had sleepovers with school friends as my house is so small that they wouldn't even be able to fit in my bed or get a mattress and sleep on my floor. I did spend some nights at Rachel's house though, who I've known since I was about 3. I remember one night when the Olympics were on we literally stayed up until about 4am watching the motor biking [we don't even like motor biking?!] and got some good old WKD bought by one of the boys she lived near. He was about 18 and his mum actually caught him buying it for us hahhaa! We actually did manage to get drunk on it somehow although my teeth killed as it's so sweet. The bottles were thrown in the bush in the garden and we blamed it on the chavs walking along her road after a night out LOL!
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Oh so attractive! |
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Day Thirteen - First Best Friend
13th June 2015 - First Best Friend
Like a lot of children, my first best friend was my cousin Danielle, who was 15 months younger than me. We used to stay round each other's houses, even stay round my Grandparents house at weekends. Go to the park together, make up songs and dance routines pretending we were in a girl band. Unfortunately, when we became teenagers we didn't see each other as much, only on special occasions like birthdays/Christmas'.
Below are a few pictures of us throughout the years.
This was about my FIRST best friend. But I do just want to say a big happy birthday to one of my best friends now Nicole! I hope you have a fantastic birthday love you!
Like a lot of children, my first best friend was my cousin Danielle, who was 15 months younger than me. We used to stay round each other's houses, even stay round my Grandparents house at weekends. Go to the park together, make up songs and dance routines pretending we were in a girl band. Unfortunately, when we became teenagers we didn't see each other as much, only on special occasions like birthdays/Christmas'.
Below are a few pictures of us throughout the years.
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When Danielle came on holiday with us. I think this was around 2005 |
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I was probably about 6/7 here |
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When we got matching doll's prams at Christmas! This must have been about 1999ish |
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A Family Party in December 2014 |
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A Family Christmas in 2008 |
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Danielle's 21st In 2014 |
This was about my FIRST best friend. But I do just want to say a big happy birthday to one of my best friends now Nicole! I hope you have a fantastic birthday love you!
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Friday, 12 June 2015
Day Twelve - First Ride On An Airplane
12th June 2015 - First Ride On An Airplane
My first ever holiday was in the UK, in the south west of England in Cornwall. But when I was 9 years old I went on my first ever plane journey to Portugal. I'd never been abroad before this age, so had never truly experienced anything like a "proper holiday."
We rented out an apartment for a week, owned by my dad's friend, self catering and I really enjoyed it. It had a communal pool, restaurants in the complex and a bus if you wanted to venture out.
Now as some of you may know I actually HATE flying with a passion, I don't talk until the seatbelt light fades away and we're classed as "safe" I don't know where my hate of flying comes from as my parents and little brother don't mind it at all. I remember this particular holiday though was before any of the plane hijackings took place and me and my little brother were actually invited to go into the cockpit, as my mum told the air hostesses this was our first time flying on an airplane.
I have never seen so many levers and buttons in my entire life and I can still vividly picture it all now.
My first ever holiday was in the UK, in the south west of England in Cornwall. But when I was 9 years old I went on my first ever plane journey to Portugal. I'd never been abroad before this age, so had never truly experienced anything like a "proper holiday."
We rented out an apartment for a week, owned by my dad's friend, self catering and I really enjoyed it. It had a communal pool, restaurants in the complex and a bus if you wanted to venture out.
Now as some of you may know I actually HATE flying with a passion, I don't talk until the seatbelt light fades away and we're classed as "safe" I don't know where my hate of flying comes from as my parents and little brother don't mind it at all. I remember this particular holiday though was before any of the plane hijackings took place and me and my little brother were actually invited to go into the cockpit, as my mum told the air hostesses this was our first time flying on an airplane.
I have never seen so many levers and buttons in my entire life and I can still vividly picture it all now.
I get a break from being on an airplane this year as I'm off on the Eurostar to Paris in a month :)
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Not quite sure what we're doing here? |
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The train that takes you to the beach |
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Not quite sure of the outfit choice here mum?! See you tomorrow! Hollie x |
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Day Eleven - First Teacher
11th June 2015 - First Teacher
The first teacher I actually remember was my reception teacher Mrs Howe. Now she probably wasn't my first teacher as I was in Nursery from the age of 3, but I don't remember those ones so I thought I'd do a bit on the first one I actually remember.
Mrs Howe was a short lady, probably around the age of 55, and always had a smile on her face. I loved her that much I think I cried when I realised she'd not be my teacher forever. So you can imagine how happy I was that she was leaving reception and joining Year 1 and was going to be my teacher for another year!
I do miss being 5 years old and not having a care in the world.
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
The first teacher I actually remember was my reception teacher Mrs Howe. Now she probably wasn't my first teacher as I was in Nursery from the age of 3, but I don't remember those ones so I thought I'd do a bit on the first one I actually remember.
Mrs Howe was a short lady, probably around the age of 55, and always had a smile on her face. I loved her that much I think I cried when I realised she'd not be my teacher forever. So you can imagine how happy I was that she was leaving reception and joining Year 1 and was going to be my teacher for another year!
I do miss being 5 years old and not having a care in the world.
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Day Ten - First Person Thought Of Today
10th June 2015 - First Person Thought Of Today
The first person I thought of today was my mother seen as she is the one who woke me up at 8.30am by calling me from work to ask me to get a phone number out of her address book! So I wasn't in the best of moods today unfortunately. I always tell her to take her address book in her bag. But nope, she doesn't listen :(
The first person I thought of today was my mother seen as she is the one who woke me up at 8.30am by calling me from work to ask me to get a phone number out of her address book! So I wasn't in the best of moods today unfortunately. I always tell her to take her address book in her bag. But nope, she doesn't listen :(
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Day Nine - First Person Spoken To Today
9th June 2015 - First Person Spoken To Today
Considering I started work early this morning the first person I spoke to was my mum and that was only me shouting bye as I walked out the door. I give myself about 25mins to get ready on a weekday morning before I start work at 8, so the last thing I can actually do is sit down and have a chat. But unfortunately, because I work in a GP Surgery part of my job is to talk a lot so as soon as I started at 8am I was non-stop talking until 5.30. No wonder I always have sore throats eh??
Considering I started work early this morning the first person I spoke to was my mum and that was only me shouting bye as I walked out the door. I give myself about 25mins to get ready on a weekday morning before I start work at 8, so the last thing I can actually do is sit down and have a chat. But unfortunately, because I work in a GP Surgery part of my job is to talk a lot so as soon as I started at 8am I was non-stop talking until 5.30. No wonder I always have sore throats eh??
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Monday, 8 June 2015
Day Eight - First Car
8th June 2015 - First Car
I passed my driving test on 2nd September 2010 and bought my first car on the 15th and here she is! Polly the Fiat Punto. By far the most irritating thing when you buy your first car is the fact that your yearly insurance fee is more expensive than the car itself! But she did me well. I had her from September 2010 - March 2014. In the end she kept needing to be fixed and it just seemed easier to get at least some money for her before she died completely. So I'm now onto my 2nd car - A silver citreon c3.
I passed my driving test on 2nd September 2010 and bought my first car on the 15th and here she is! Polly the Fiat Punto. By far the most irritating thing when you buy your first car is the fact that your yearly insurance fee is more expensive than the car itself! But she did me well. I had her from September 2010 - March 2014. In the end she kept needing to be fixed and it just seemed easier to get at least some money for her before she died completely. So I'm now onto my 2nd car - A silver citreon c3.
See you tomorrow
Hollie x
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Day Seven - First Job
7th June 2015 - First Job
This is something you probably wouldn't see many 23 year olds write.
This is something you probably wouldn't see many 23 year olds write.
I'm still on my first job.
I left school aged 17 in February 2009 and literally spent 9 months giving CVs out to various places, even places where I really did not want to work. I'm one of those people who never knew what I wanted to do when I completed my education.
The big break came when my mum went to a doctors appointment, which happened to be with the boss who my mum knew pretty well. She explained how hard I'd been trying to get a job and he actually offered to give me a 6 month contract to see how I got on! This was 2 days after my 18th Birthday. I didn't even need an interview which was handy as I suck at them, I really physically cannot promote myself.
So yep, here I am 5 and a half years on, still a doctor's receptionist, admin assistant and occasionally a website and newsletter editor. I do like my job, I like talking to our regular older patients who come in often, and meeting all the new little babies joining the practice. I see myself being a receptionist now, it might not be at the GP Practice forever but it's okay right now :)
The big break came when my mum went to a doctors appointment, which happened to be with the boss who my mum knew pretty well. She explained how hard I'd been trying to get a job and he actually offered to give me a 6 month contract to see how I got on! This was 2 days after my 18th Birthday. I didn't even need an interview which was handy as I suck at them, I really physically cannot promote myself.
So yep, here I am 5 and a half years on, still a doctor's receptionist, admin assistant and occasionally a website and newsletter editor. I do like my job, I like talking to our regular older patients who come in often, and meeting all the new little babies joining the practice. I see myself being a receptionist now, it might not be at the GP Practice forever but it's okay right now :)
See you tomorrow
Hollie x
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Day Six - First Alcoholic Drink
6th June 2015 - First Alcoholic Drink
Oh the joys of being 12/13 and being allowed your first alcoholic drink on Christmas day with your family. I say alcoholic, but the drinks that little old teenage me would drink - well let's just say I'd probably need a whole crate of these now to get drunk.
Oh the joys of being 12/13 and being allowed your first alcoholic drink on Christmas day with your family. I say alcoholic, but the drinks that little old teenage me would drink - well let's just say I'd probably need a whole crate of these now to get drunk.
I don't know which one was literally my first alcoholic drink, but these are the two drinks that my nan would buy me & my cousins while the adults had wine and beer. I remember one year I pretended I was really drunk when I'd probably had two Bacardi Breezers.
Oh how times have changed - I would go and have a drink now, but I'm currently at Wembley Stadium so it might have to wait until tomorrow - I'm not paying their prices :)
See You Tomorrow!
Hollie x
Friday, 5 June 2015
Day Five - First Love
5th June 2015 - First Love
I honestly don't believe I've ever been in love, which some would find 23 year old saying odd, but it's the truth. Although lots of my family members found love young - my parents were 14, my nan was 13, my cousin is 22 and been with her boyfriend for 4 years, I just haven't found mine yet. I'm not worried though - I hope I have lots of years ahead of me yet.
I'll get back to you in ten years for this daily blog :)
I honestly don't believe I've ever been in love, which some would find 23 year old saying odd, but it's the truth. Although lots of my family members found love young - my parents were 14, my nan was 13, my cousin is 22 and been with her boyfriend for 4 years, I just haven't found mine yet. I'm not worried though - I hope I have lots of years ahead of me yet.
I'll get back to you in ten years for this daily blog :)
See You Tomorrow!
Hollie x
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Day Four - First Profile Picture
4th June 2015 - First Profile Picture
I'll be honest, about six months ago I went through my Facebook profile pictures and deleted all the disgusting, embarrassing pictures that I thought I actually looked good in.
So this probably wasn't my first profile picture and I don't even know why I didn't delete this!
This photo was in May 2008, the last day of Year 11. One of my friends came round for a KFC takeaway and she wanted to curl my hair with GHD's. I actually can't believe this photo was taken 7 years ago, I literally look the same but just with a thinner face, better hair and I've learnt to attempt to remove my arm from the frame when I take a selfie.
I'll be honest, about six months ago I went through my Facebook profile pictures and deleted all the disgusting, embarrassing pictures that I thought I actually looked good in.
So this probably wasn't my first profile picture and I don't even know why I didn't delete this!
This photo was in May 2008, the last day of Year 11. One of my friends came round for a KFC takeaway and she wanted to curl my hair with GHD's. I actually can't believe this photo was taken 7 years ago, I literally look the same but just with a thinner face, better hair and I've learnt to attempt to remove my arm from the frame when I take a selfie.
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Day Three - First Person Subscribed To On Youtube
3rd June 2015 - First Person Subscribed To On You tube
I'm not subscribed to that many channels on you tube so I thought I'd go through a few that I watch religiously. I have a tradition that every night before I sleep I have to watch new vlogs uploaded by my favourites.
The Shaytards
These were actually the first ones I subscribed to
on you tube. I remember a few of my friends
talking about how a you tube family were due a
new baby any day and how I had to watch it as it was so exciting! I didn't really understand how you can be excited for a family you didn't even know. But now, five years on, I'm still watching every video they add to their channel and still enjoying every single one. I've seen two of their babies being born and I hope there's going to be more. :)

This is actually Shay's younger brother,
These two actually are two separate vlogging channels, but are literally relationship goals. They actually met via You Tube and both seem so lovely. Zoella is more of a beauty guru who also does the odd daily vlog, whereas Alfie aka Pointless Blog is a daily vlogger. They also upload Sims 4 videos so what's not to love?!
I'm not subscribed to that many channels on you tube so I thought I'd go through a few that I watch religiously. I have a tradition that every night before I sleep I have to watch new vlogs uploaded by my favourites.
The Shaytards
These were actually the first ones I subscribed to
on you tube. I remember a few of my friends
talking about how a you tube family were due a
new baby any day and how I had to watch it as it was so exciting! I didn't really understand how you can be excited for a family you didn't even know. But now, five years on, I'm still watching every video they add to their channel and still enjoying every single one. I've seen two of their babies being born and I hope there's going to be more. :)

This is actually Shay's younger brother,
who I subscribed to as soon as he created his channel. He has a similar sense of humour to Shay, and a similar love for his family and friends. His children and wife are beautiful too. Although his vlogs are usually shorter, they still make me laugh.
PointlessBlog & Zoella.

See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Day Two - First You Tube Video
2nd June 2015 - First You Tube Video
I can honestly say I have never filmed a video of myself and put it on you tube.
I idolise people that can do that and not have a fear of being judged. Even daily vloggers who go out in public, talking to a camera with not a care who is looking at them like they have 3 legs and 5 arms are just amazing in my eyes.
The only videos I tend to upload to my you tube channel are ones that I record myself when I go to music concerts. I'm not bothered whether people watch them or not - the only reason I actually upload them is in case my laptop ever has a crazy moment and deletes all of my memories - at least they'd be on my you tube channel and I can download them again.
If you're ever bored and fancy looking at my you tube videos just click here
I can honestly say I have never filmed a video of myself and put it on you tube.
I idolise people that can do that and not have a fear of being judged. Even daily vloggers who go out in public, talking to a camera with not a care who is looking at them like they have 3 legs and 5 arms are just amazing in my eyes.
The only videos I tend to upload to my you tube channel are ones that I record myself when I go to music concerts. I'm not bothered whether people watch them or not - the only reason I actually upload them is in case my laptop ever has a crazy moment and deletes all of my memories - at least they'd be on my you tube channel and I can download them again.
If you're ever bored and fancy looking at my you tube videos just click here
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
Monday, 1 June 2015
Day One - First Tweet
1st June 2015 - First Tweet
I used a website where you can search for any unprotected twitter accounts first tweet. I saw mine and instantly started crying with laughter about how embarrassing that it is. I'd love to say I was 13 at the time and had a crush on a little Geordie boy who auditioned for X Factor in 2009 but nope, I was 18. I believe I was more "in love" with his voice than him, and also he likes boys so I had no chance anyway.

I think my tweets now are a big more grown up. If I "love" a celeb it's more likely to be a tall, dark and handsome hunk of a man rather than a 5ft odd little 18 year old.
If only you could go back 40,000 tweets and delete the ones that'll come back to haunt you. Like this one has!
I used a website where you can search for any unprotected twitter accounts first tweet. I saw mine and instantly started crying with laughter about how embarrassing that it is. I'd love to say I was 13 at the time and had a crush on a little Geordie boy who auditioned for X Factor in 2009 but nope, I was 18. I believe I was more "in love" with his voice than him, and also he likes boys so I had no chance anyway.

I think my tweets now are a big more grown up. If I "love" a celeb it's more likely to be a tall, dark and handsome hunk of a man rather than a 5ft odd little 18 year old.
If only you could go back 40,000 tweets and delete the ones that'll come back to haunt you. Like this one has!
Side note: I'm off to the o2 Arena in London tonight to see Ariana Grande and Rixton - now they are better than Joe McElderry!
See you tomorrow!
Hollie x
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